
Veneers in Portland

The “Hollywood Smile”

If you long for a “Hollywood Smile,” dental veneers may be a great treatment option to discuss with your dentist in Portland. Whether you only have one tooth you want treated or decide to cover your front teeth or possibly all of your visible teeth, you can do so using with the help of dental veneers and your dentist in Portland.

When Dental Veneers in Portland are a Good Option

As to when dental veneers may be a good option for your particular needs, these can include various dental problems such as chipped or cracked teeth, discolored or stained teeth, having gaps between your teeth, and if you are having issues with receding gums. Consult with your dentist in Portland to see if dental veneers are a good option for you.

Applying Dental Veneers

In considering the use of dental veneers, it’s important to remember that when they are being applied to your teeth, your dentist will need to remove some of the surface of your teeth so that the veneers adhere properly and look and feel like your natural teeth. While this may initially make you a bit nervous, the procedure is straightforward.

Dental Veneers are Long-Lasting

If you opt for dental veneers, one of the biggest benefits you will enjoy is the fact that they last a long time once applied to your teeth. On average, dental veneers last between 10-15 years if you take proper care of your teeth, meaning regular brushing and flossing.

Veneers are Permanent

Before you decide to move forward with your dental veneers treatment, remember that once they are applied to your teeth, they are there permanently. Therefore, changing your mind once they are part of your teeth is not an option.

They Can’t Fix Everything

Finally, dental veneers can’t be used in certain situations. For example, if your teeth are badly decayed, dental veneers won’t be a suitable option, since your teeth need to be healthy enough and strong enough for the application process.

By taking all of this into consideration, you can decide for yourself if dental veneers will indeed be your ticket to the “Hollywood Smile” you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to learn more.

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